

  • • 藝術 ‧ 科技
  • • 藝術、設計與遺產
  • • 博物館、市場營銷與活動策劃管理
  • • 科技、創意與創新


這是社會學系內一個獨立課程,它涵蓋廣泛知識,融合人文 科學和最先進的數碼科技,讓學生熟悉數碼媒體科技文化, 不論從事各行各業都具有優勢,更能訓練他們在藝術、文化、 創意產業的領域裏,成為具創意又有前瞻性的領袖。

  • 學習模式全日制
  • 課程學制四年制


藝術 ‧ 科技基礎

  • • 連結藝術、文化與科技
  • • 視覺與表演藝術
  • • 藝術、文化與遺產:香港和世界
  • • 數字文檔和研究方法


  • • 中國藝術史
  • • 西方藝術史
  • • 城市藝術與設計史
  • • 大中華地區藝術與文化
  • • 中國美學
  • • 視覺藝術與交互設計
  • • 物質與非物質文化遺產

博物館、市場營銷及 活動策劃管理

  • • 策展與活動策劃管理
  • • 藝術行政與管理
  • • 博物館研究
  • • 文化政策與發展
  • • 檔案管理:理論與實踐
  • • 藝術與文化組織營銷


  • • 3D數據採集、處理與視覺化
  • • 以人為本的用戶體驗和用戶界面設計
  • • 探索VR/AR
  • • 視覺化分析與設計
  • • 地理信息系統與數字科技在文化遺產中的應用
  • • 數字時代的文化與創意產業
  • • 文化、遊戲與遊戲化


  • • 專業實習
  • • 畢業專題研習
Photo supplied by Walk In Hong Kong


The curriculum of the proposed Programme is designed to progressively train students in the domain knowledge of Sociology, Arts and Culture and Digital Technology, provide students with opportunities for regional/international exposure, and develop their capacity to apply their knowledge and skills creatively to meet the needs of the industry. The structure of the curriculum is as follows:


Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of social and cultural analysis, in particular, how arts, culture, technology and society interact and impact each other, given a grounding in “Visual and Performing Arts”, and taught how to conduct social research.


In addition to conceptualising the place of arts and culture in modernity, students will begin to pick up fundamental programme-specific skills, such as Arts administration and 3D imaging. Students will also be introduced to “Digital Documentation and Research Methods” to familiarise them with the digital tools available for documentation and research. At the same time, taking advantage of the liberal arts environment of the University, students will take elective courses from other disciplines, not only to broaden their scope of knowledge, but also to cultivate in them a multidisciplinary perspective.


In their third year, students prepare to become arts and culture professionals with digital technology skills.

Core courses extend students’ programme-specific skills to curating and event management, and update them on changes in the field in the digital era.

Arts and Culture Electives focus on applied knowledge in the domain and state-of-the-art developments related to the sector and industry. Courses cover various aspects of the field such as museum studies, cultural policy, arts marketing and tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Digital Technology Electives aim to train students in industry-standard digital technology skills such as webpage and app design, virtual reality and augmented reality, data analytics, and game design.

Year 3 students will be encouraged to take up the Study Abroad Scheme or Overseas Summer Internship to get regional/international exposure.


In Year 4, students get the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills creatively to meet the needs of the industry through i) a capstone project that provides an innovative digital solution to an industry need, and ii) a credit-bearing industrial attachment/internship at a local institution or company.

Elective courses in Year 4 will focus on topics that synthesise domain knowledge in arts and culture with skills in digital technology, so that students remain attuned to how arts, culture and digital technology interact in society and industries.


Year-1 Entry Programme Curriculum (For Reference Only)

      1st Term 2nd Term
Language Requirements 14
CHI. 101-2 First Year Chinese (including Practical Chinese Writing) 4 4
ENG.      111-2 English Usage 3 3
Core Courses 15
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology 3 -
ACT 101 Bridging Arts, Culture and Technology - 3
ACT 103 Visual and Performing Arts 3 -
ACT 102 Arts, Culture and Heritage: Hong Kong and the World - 3
SOC 221 Social Research Methods - 3
General Education Courses 6
      Total Minimum Credits 35
      1st Term 2nd Term
Language Requirements 6
ENG. 211-2 English Writing 3 3
Core Courses 12
SOC 261 Conceptualising Arts and Culture in Modernity 3 -
ACT 201 Arts Administration and Management - 3
ACT 202 3D Data Acquisition and Image Processing 3 -
SOC 262 Digital Documentation and Research Methods - 3
Non-Departmental Elective Courses (choose 6 credits) 6
HIST 268 Art History of China    
HIST 340 History of Urban Arts and Designs 3 -
HIST 472 Art History of the West - 3
CHI 105 Fundamental Chinese Aesthetics 3 -
MDIT 110 Principles of Interaction Design 3 -
ENG 230 Introduction to Visual Culture - 3
JOUR 201 Audio-Visual Production - 3
JOUR 230 Technological Change and Human Communication 3 -
General Education Courses 6
Free Electives 6
      Total Minimum Credits 36
      1st Term 2nd Term
Core Courses (6 credits) 6
ACT 301 Curating Exhibitions and Event Management 3 -
ACT 302 Arts and Everyday Life in the Digital Era 3 -
Arts and Culture Electives (choose 9 credits) 9
ACT 311 Museum Studies 3 -
ACT 312 Cultural Policy and Development - 3
ACT 313 Archives and Records Management: Concepts and Practice - 3
ACT 314 Marketing for Arts and Cultural Organizations 3 -
SOC 315 Arts and Culture in Greater China - 3
SOC 416 Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage - 3
Digital Technology Electives (choose 9 credits) 9
MDIT 210 Human Centered UX & UI Design 3 -
MDIT 220 Understanding VR/AR (Unity 1 and Unreal 1) - 3
JOUR 335 Visualization Analysis and Design - 3
ACT 321 Advanced 3D Data Processing and Visualisation 3 -
ACT 322 Applications of Geographic Information System (GIS) - 3
ACT 323 Applications of Digital Technology in Cultural Heritage 3 -
MDIT 420 Game Engines for Game Development 3 -
Free Electives 6
    Total Minimum Credits 30
      1st Term 2nd Term
Core Courses (9 Credits) 9
ACT 401 Capstone Project - 6
ACT 410 Professional Arts Tech Internship 3 -
Elective Courses (choose 12 credits) 12
SOC 362 Arts, Culture and Tourism 3 -
SOC 312 Popular Culture in the Digital Era 3 -
SOC 413 Digital Media and Cyberculture - 3
SOC 311 Sustainable and Innovative Cities in the Contemporary World 3 -
ACT 421 Cultural and Creative Industries in the Digital Era - 3
ACT 422 Culture, Games, and Gamification 3 -
SOC 409 Memory, Technology and Social Change 3 -
ACT 428 Emergent Issues in Digital Art and Culture - 3
Free Electives 3
      Total Minimum Credits 24

Year-2 Entry Programme Curriculum (For Reference Only)

      1st Term 2nd Term
Language Requirements 10
ENG 211-2 English Writing 3 3
CHI 102 First Year Chinese II - 4
Core Courses 12
SOC 261 Conceptualising Arts and Culture in Modernity 3 -
ACT 201 Arts Administration and Management - 3
3D Data Acquisition and Image Processing 3 -
SOC 262 Digital Documentation and Research Methods - 3
Non-Departmental Elective Courses (choose 6 credits) 6
HIST 268 Art History of China    
HIST 340 History of Urban Arts and Designs 3 -
HIST 472 Art History of the West - 3
CHI 105 Fundamental Chinese Aesthetics 3 -
MDIT 110 Principles of Interaction Design 3 -
ENG 230 Introduction to Visual Culture - 3
JOUR 201 Audio-Visual Production - 3
JOUR 230 Technological Change and Human Communication 3 -
Free Electives 8
    Total Minimum Credits 36
      1st Term 2nd Term
Core Courses (6 credits) 6
ACT 301 Curating Exhibitions and Event Management 3 -
SOC 380 Arts and Everyday Life in the Digital Era 3 -
Arts and Culture Electives (choose 9 credits) 9
ACT 311 Museum Studies 3 -
ACT 312 Cultural Policy and Development - 3
ACT 313 Archives and Records Management: Concepts and Practice - 3
ACT 314 Marketing for Arts and Cultural Organizations 3 -
SOC 315 Arts and Culture in Greater China - 3
SOC 416 Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage - 3
Digital Technology Electives (choose 9 credits) 9
MDIT 210 Human Centered UX & UI Design 3 -
MDIT 220 Understanding VR/AR (Unity 1 and Unreal 1) - 3
JOUR 335 Visualization Analysis and Design - 3
ACT 321 Advanced 3D Data Processing and Visualisation 3 -
ACT 322 Applications of Geographic Information System (GIS) - 3
ACT 323 Applications of Digital Technology in Cultural Heritage 3 -
MDIT 420 Game Engines for Game Development 3 -
Free Electives 6
    Total Minimum Credits 30
      1st Term 2nd Term
Core Courses (9 Credits) 9
ACT 401 Capstone Project - 6
ACT 410 Professional Arts Tech Internship 3 -
Elective Courses (choose 12 credits) 12
SOC 362 Arts, Culture and Tourism 3 -
SOC 312 Popular Culture in the Digital Era 3 -
SOC 413 Digital Media and Cyberculture - 3
SOC 311 Sustainable and Innovative Cities in the Contemporary World 3 -
ACT 421 Cultural and Creative Industries in the Digital Era - 3
ACT 422 Culture, Games, and Gamification 3  
SOC 409 Memory, Technology and Social Change 3 -
ACT 428 Emergent Issues in Digital Art and Culture - 3
Free Electives 3
    Total Minimum Credits 24


Digital Imaging Laboratory

The Digital Imaging Laboratory (DIL) will feature state-of-the-art equipment for collecting 3D data as well as data post-processing software and computers to meet the hands-on training needs of students.
Website: https://digitalimaginglab.hksyu.edu

Big Data Laboratory

The Big Data Laboratory is a computer lab equipped with high-powered PCs connected to advanced servers. This is a multi-purpose computer laboratory for courses requiring advanced computing facilities.

Virtual Reality (VR) Laboratory

The VR Lab consists of a VR Cave, a high-capacity server, workstations for immersive experience development, sensors and stands, 3D monitors, backpack computers and portables, and a number of VR headsets. This lab is used for courses that seek to create and to display VR/AR contents.
Website: https://vrlab.hksyu.edu




(A) 香港中學文憑申請人:

  • • 中國語文科、英國語文科3級或以上;及
  • • 數學科2級或以上;及
  • • 公民與社會發展科達標;及
  • • 另加一科選修科達2級或以上成績。

(B) 其他申請資格:

  • • 申請者必須持有經本地評審及修畢相關的副學士或高級文憑課程學位;
  • • 申請者必須已完成本地認可的副學士/高級文憑的一年級,同時累計平均積點(cumulative GPA)達2.5(4.0分制)或以上;
  • • 申請人須取得至少GCE A-level 2科合格(Grade E)或以上成績(註:中文科不計算在此兩科內)。兩科AS 科目等同一科A-level科目, 如AS-level科目與A-level相同將不獲計算在內; 
  • • 國際預科文憑考試(IB)必須於整體總成績取得最少24分;
  • • 內地申請者需於高考成績(NJCEE)取得所屬省市二批本科分數線或以上/或個別省份本科線或以上;
  • • 其他相關學術資格 (需經大學審核) 。


ACT 畢業生將從事創意藝術科技行業的工作,如:

  • • 藝術行政人員
  • • 專業記者/作家
  • • 文化政策執行官
  • • 博物館與美術館的策展成員
  • • 藝術機構的活動經理
  • • 創意產業的數據營銷專員
  • • 文化旅遊專員

經由本學科的藝術,文化及科技教育培養,畢業生有機會進 入世界頂級相關碩士課程進一步深造,如紐約帕森斯設計學 院的設計與科技碩士,英國劍橋大學遺產研究研究型碩士課 程等。



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