Minor Programmes at SYU
To enrich the learning experience and employability of our students, the University started offering undergraduate minor programmes in the academic year of 2016/17. Students have the option to study another subject, broaden their level of expertise, and enhance their prospects of future career development.

Students of Year 1 entry can express their interest in pursuing a minor in the second semester of their first year of studies by 31 January. Students of Year 2/3 entry can express their interest in pursuing a minor upon admissions in late August. Please refer to the Guidance Notes on Minor Programmes for more details or visit the website of the Minor Programme: https://www.hksyu.edu/en/education/minor-programme.

Department of Sociology
Our Department is now offering two Minor Programmes:

  • Minor Programme in Sociology
  • Minor Programme in Arts Tech

Minor programmes for Sociology Major students
There are Minor Programmes offered by other departments that Sociology Major students may consider. Please refer to https://www.hksyu.edu/en/education/minor-programme for more information.

Dr. Gigi Lam
Phone:  2806 5109
Email:   glam@hksyu.edu
Office:   Rm 844, Library Complex