Full-time Academic Staff

Name Title Phone Room Email
Prof. CHEUNG, Yuet-Wah Head of Department and Distinguished Professor 2804-8412 LC904
Prof. CHAN, Ching Selina Academic Vice President and Professor 2806-5142 RHB205
Prof. HUI, Yew-Foong Associate Academic Vice President (Accreditation and Programme Development) and Professor 2804-8556 RHB201
Prof. CHAN, Lai-Pik Libby Professor of Practice 2104-8247 LC847
Dr. GAO, Chong Associate Professor 2806-5101 LC841
Dr. HUANG, Weishan Associate Professor 2104-8237 LC842
Dr. LAU, Pui-Yan Flora Associate Head and Associate Professor 2104-8241 LC837
Dr. LAM, Gigi Associate Professor 2806 5109 LC844
Dr. MAK, Sau-Wa Associate Professor 2806-5102 LC839
Dr. CAI, Shengdan Assistant Professor 2806-5175 LC838
Dr. HUANG, Yunjing Assistant Professor 2806-5175 LC911
Dr. KE, Pingchuan Patrick Assistant Professor 2806-5132 LC913
Dr. MAN, Pui-Kwan Assistant Professor 2104-8227 LC849
Dr. NG, Ni Na Camellia Assistant Professor 2104-8255 LC846
Dr. SHUM, Hoi Ki Holy Assistant Professor 2104-8292 LC840
Dr. SHIM, Hyeseung Assistant Professor 3859-2643 LC907
Dr. TSANG, Chung-Kin Associate Head and Assistant Professor 2806-5111 LC845
Dr. XIE, Jieyi Assistant Professor 2104-8244 LC843

Adjunct and Part-time Academic Staff

Name Title Phone Room Email
Dr. CHAN Hong Yin Part-time Lecturer 2570-7110 /
Dr. HUANG Lifeng Part-time Lecturer 2570-7110 /
Mr. HUAI Yibin Part-time Lecturer 2570-7110 /
Dr. LAM Kit Part-time Lecturer 2570-7110 /
Dr. LAU Carol Part-time Lecturer 2570-7110 /
Ms. LIU Shuman Part-time Lecturer 2570-7110 /
Dr. NG, K.S. David Adjunct Associate Professor 2805-8412 /
Mr. WANG Liehui Part-time Lecturer 2570-7110 /
Dr. YEUNG Charlotte Part-time Lecturer 2570-7110 /

Research Postgraduate Students

Name Title Phone Room Email
FU, Siliu PhD Student
HU, Ruyu MPhil Student
LEE, King-fai PhD Student
LIN, Junshen MPhil Student
LYU, Pengfei PhD Student
LYU, Zhongwang PhD Student
TONG, Ho Yeung Neil MPhil Student

Administrative Staff

Name Title Phone Room Email
Mr. YIP L.H. Eric Executive Officer 2806-7343 RHB305
Ms. Cordelia NG Executive Assistant 2804-8451 RHB305