Dr. TSANG, Chung-Kin 曾仲堅博士

Assistant Professor
Associate Head

Associate Programme Director, BSSc (Hons) in Arts, Culture and Technology



Office: Room LC845, Library Complex, Hong Kong Shue Yan University,
12 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemar Hill, North Point, Hong Kong.
Phone: 2806-5111
Email:  soccktsang@hksyu.edu

Academic and Professional Qualification

Ph.D.               Communication, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
M.Phil.            Sociology, The University of Hong Kong
B.A.                 Cultural Studies, Lingnan University

Specialism and Research Interests

Cultural Sociology
Cultural Studies
Economic Culture
Housing Studies
Urban Studies

Digital Culture
Popular Culture and Media Studies


Courses offered in 2024-2025
SOC208      Hong Kong Society and Culture

SOC312      Popular Culture in Asia
SOC415      Film, Television and Society
GEA105      The Making of Hong Kong Chinese Culture

Courses offered in previous years
SOC333      Urban Sociology
SOC341      Sociology of Development
GEB207      Hong Kong Popular Culture

Selected Publications

Tsang, C. K. (2021) Homeownership in Hong Kong: House Buying as Hope Mechanism. London & New York: Routledge.

Book Chapter
Tsang, C. K. (Forthcoming) "'Where is the Culture?' – Cultural Studies and the Hong Kong Detour of the Culture of Homeownership" for inclusion in the book, Davis, A., Erni, J., Hardin, C., Rodman, G. & Slack, J. (eds.) No Surrender: Cultural Studies with Lawrence Grossberg. Imbricate! Press.

Tsang, C. K. (2023) "Franklin Wong’s Below the Lion Rock Television Series: Community, State and Public/Private Space in 1970s Hong Kong Public Housing". in Palmer, L. (ed.) Home Screens: Public Housing in Global Film & Television. London: Bloomsbury.

Journal Articles
Lau, B. H. P., Shum, E. N. Y., Lui, F. Y. F., Lam, G., Kwok, A. P. K., & Tsang C. K. (2023). Where is the digital divide? Intra-generational divide on app usage in post-pandemic Hong Kong. Innovation in Aging, 7, 1152. (Impact factor: 4.9; h-index: 29)

Lau, B. H. P., Shum, E. N. Y., Lui, F. Y. F., Lam, G., Kwok, A. P. K., & Tsang C. K. (2023). Admiration, skepticism, indecisiveness? Attitudes toward AI in Chinese middle-aged and older adults. Innovation in Aging, 7, 1176. (Impact factor: 4.9; h-index: 29)

Tang, G. K. Y.,  F. L. F. Lee & Tsang, C. K. (2022) "The construction of investor-subjects in a housing-led growth society: the case of Hong Kong", The Social Science Journal, DOI: 10.1080/03623319.2022.2066879

Lee, F. L. F., Tang, G. K. Y. & Tsang, C. K. (2019) “Financialization and Generational Differences in the Correlates of Perceived Importance of Investment in Hong Kong”, Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 161-177. https://doi.org/10.1108/STICS-04-2019-0008

E-Journal Articles
Tsang, C. K. (2023) "Outlining the Hope Mechanism: the case of Hong Kong's culture of homeownership", Critical Asia Archives: Events and Theories. Issue: June 2023.

Tsang, C. K. (2018) “Homeownership in Hong Kong: Historical Formation and Political Effect”, Global-E. Volume 11, Issue 20.

Conference Papers
Tsang, C.K. (2023). "Learning to Closing the Digital Divide: Interplay of Social and Cultural Capital among Older Digital Immigrants in Hong Kong", Hong Kong Sociological Association 24th Annual Conference. Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2 December.

Academic Books in Chinese

Tsang, C. K. (eds.) (2021) Hong Kong Paradigm Shift. Hong Kong: Infolink. (Co-edited with Cheung, S.K. & Tang, K.Y. Gary) (in Chinese - 《香港.格局.變異》與張少強、鄧鍵一合編)

Tsang, C. K. (eds.) (2012) The Hong Kong Popular: reading Hong Kong popular culture 2000 – 2010, Hong Kong: CUHK – HKIAPS. (Co-edited with Ng, C. H. & Cheung, Charles C. W.) (in Chinese - 《普普香港:閱讀香港普及文化2000-2010》與吳俊雄、張志偉合編)

Tsang, C. K. (2010) TV, Film and Hong Kong Identity, Hong Kong: CUHK – HKIAPS. (Co-authored with Ma, Eric K. W.) (in Chinese - 《影視香港:身份認同的時代變奏》與馬傑偉合寫)
Research Projects
As Principal Investigator
Chinese Heritage Research Grant (CHRG), HKSYU
Project title: Financialization must be “tamed” - Chinese Values and Financialization in Hong Kong TV Heritage (1970s-2000s) (CHRG/22/07)
As Co-principal Investigator
Institutional Development Scheme Collaborative Research Grant, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Project title: Mapping the grey digital divide and diversity in older ICT users post-COVID: A mixed-method research informing service and policy development (Project No. UGC/IDS(C)15/H01/22)
Amount funded: HK$ 4,388,777

As Co-principal Investigator
Institutional Development Scheme Collaborative Research Grant, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Project title: Preparing for the launching of Esports: An interdisciplinary and holistic perspective in prevention of teenage gaming addiction problem based on Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological model in the era of Esports (Project No. UGC/IDS(C)15/M01/20)
Amount funded: HK$ 4,260,824

Academic Services

Treasurer, Hong Kong Sociological Association (2021-2025)

Journal Associate Editor, SN Social Sciences. Springer Nature.

Journal Referee, Chinese Journal of Communication (SSCI). Taylor and Francis Inc.

Journal Referee, Social Transformations in Chinese Societies. Emerald Publishing.

Knowledge Transfer
Hosted a RTHK TV program (五夜講場 - 學人串社科 2021, 2020 & 2019)

Selected Episodes - Media Studies and Popular Culture
Transformation of Film Industry in Hong Kong
30/06/2021 從港產片到香港電影

Celebrity Studies
16/06/2021 時代造星

Hong Kong Popular Culture
01/05/2019 今期流行

Selected Episodes - Hong Kong Culture and Society
Work Culture
05/08/2021 好鍾意返工

Public Housing, Part 2
09/09/2020 窮到住公屋?

Public Housing, Part 1
02/09/2020 我要上樓

The Culture of Homeownership

04/09/2019 我要有樓!

Hong Kong Local Consciousness

10/04/2019 重遇本土意識