Message from the Head of Department

Prof. Yuet-wah Cheung

Sociology is an interesting discipline that examines how the structures and processes of groups, organizations and societies influence the values and behaviours of individuals and their social interaction. It investigates a range of social institutions, including the family, school, workplace, religion, government, and economy, using sociological concepts and theories to analyze social phenomena pertaining to social institutions and social life in the context of social change. Findings of sociological research oftentimes have social impact and policy implications.

How is sociology taught and learned in our department? What is the uniqueness of our department among sociology departments in other universities in Hong Kong? How will our curriculum benefit students in not only providing academic training, but also enhancing their employability in the workplace? We welcome you to browse our website for more details.  (Read more)



Dr. Man, Pui Kwan (Mikayla) has published an article: “Diverse experiences of university education and entrepreneurship of native-born and immigrants in Canada” (co-authors: Prof. Eric Fong and Mr. John Hanzhang Ye) in the international peer-reviewed journal: Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy (ESCI journal, JCR: Q2 journal, 5-year impact factor: 1.7).


Dr. Man, Pui Kwan (Mikayla) has been awarded the Outstanding Teaching Showcase 2023/24


Professor Cheung Yuet Wah is a coauthor of an article entitled “Prosocial Behaviour, Individualism, and Future Orientation of Chinese Youth: The Role of Identity Status as a Moderator” and published in Behavioral Sciences. All the coauthors are members of the research team of the RGC IDS(C) project “Youth Identity Status and its Psychosocial Correlates: A Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong”. The senior author of the article is Dr. Raymond Chui of Department of Social Work, HKSYU.

Alumni Sharing
校友分享: 張子豪 (2020年畢業)

我於2020年畢業於樹仁大學社會學系。隨後在英國薩塞克斯大學(University of Sussex)完成了碩士學位,並繼續攻讀博士學位。 回想從內地到香港求學的日子中,我渡過了充實且難忘的時光。學系內的多元且有趣的課程(包括社會學理論、關於移民/階級/性别的课程、社會研究方法)皆幫助了我打下紮實的知識基礎、思辨能力、以及田野調查的技巧。而課堂上下與教授和同學們的討論,也讓我感受到了樹仁社會學系的人文關懷和溫暖氛圍。

校友分享: 蔡偉程 (2018年畢業)

四年的社會學訓練讓我學會設身處地及批判地思考各種社會問題。樹仁大學的經驗亦助我日後的進修及就業路上打下基礎。在畢業論文指導教授的鼓勵下,我將在港尋求庇護人士以及香港學生升學決定的部份研究成果發佈於國際學術期刊,例如Asian Journal for Social Science及Social Transformation in Chinese Societies。畢業後,我獲得多所英國大學取錄,並於英國布里斯托大學(University of Bristol)取得碩士學位。及後,我亦成功取得英國倫敦大學學院(University College London)哲學博士課程無條件取錄。現時於當值律師服務任職法庭聯絡主任,並正攻讀法律相關學位。

「新經濟創出路」 - 校友分享: 紀德康

紀德康在樹仁大學社會學系畢業,畢業後從事電商行業,有9年經驗的他曾在Yahoo及 Carousell 擔任要職,成功為海外電商企業打入本地市場。近年,他與團隊創辦初創企業,成功取得天使輪的融資,未來他將繼續發揮社會學的基礎知識,在電商市場上,繼續拓展。他勸勉學弟妹,在大學期間多嘗試!歡迎瀏覽「新經濟創出路」的訪問短片。