Dr. Man, Pui Kwan (Mikayla) has published an article: “Diverse experiences of university education and entrepreneurship of native-born and immigrants in Canada” (co-authors: Prof. Eric Fong and Mr. John Hanzhang Ye) in the international peer-reviewed journal: Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy (ESCI journal, JCR: Q2 journal, 5-year impact factor: 1.7).

Dr. Man, Pui Kwan (Mikayla) has been awarded the Outstanding Teaching Showcase 2023/24

Professor Cheung Yuet Wah is a coauthor of an article entitled “Prosocial Behaviour, Individualism, and Future Orientation of Chinese Youth: The Role of Identity Status as a Moderator” and published in Behavioral Sciences. All the coauthors are members of the research team of the RGC IDS(C) project “Youth Identity Status and its Psychosocial Correlates: A Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong”. The senior author of the article is Dr. Raymond Chui of Department of Social Work, HKSYU.

Dr. Gigi Lam recently published a journal article entitled "Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme in Hong Kong: needs assessment and an evaluation of outcomes" in the referred journal, Home Health Care Services Quarterly (impact factor: 1.4, Taylor & Francis).

"The 25th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association provides the opportunity for professionals involved in the scientific study of society to share knowledge and new directions in research and practice. The theme of the conference is "Doing Sociology in the Digital Era: Challenges and Opportunities." This conference provides an opportunity to critically examine these dynamics, share insights, and foster collaboration across disciplines. Nearly 30 program sessions are convened on December the 7th, 2024 in Hong Kong Shue Yan University that provide a scholarly outlet for more than 100 presenters."

Dr. Gigi Lam recently published a co-authored journal article entitled "Cross-country Comparison of the Esports Industry in China, South Korea and Japan" in Sport in Society (ESCI journal; SJR: Q1 journal; impact factor: 1.8; CiteScore (Scopus): 3.4; Taylor & Francis) with Oscar Wong (a HKSYU graduate and a research assistant of the esports project).

Dr. Gigi Lam's journal article 'Shortage of nurses in Hong Kong: the challenges ahead', in the journal Asian Education and Development Studies (2023 impact factor: 2.3), has been awarded the Outstanding Paper in the 2024 Emerald Literati Awards.

Professor Cheung Yuet Wah is a coauthor of an article titled “Effectiveness of an Integrated Model of Vocational Life Design for young rehabilitated Drug Abusers” and published in Journal of Substance Use (Taylor & Francis Online Oct. 7, 2024). The other authors are Dr. Li Hang, a former colleague in the department, Dr. Ruth Zhou, a former colleague in C&P Dept., and W.S. Choi, research assistant of the project. Data for the article came from the project “Posttreatment Life Planning and Relapse Prevention: An Effectiveness Study of an Integrative Model of Vocational Life Design for Young Rehabilitated Drug Abusers”, funded by the Beat Drugs Fund, June 2019 – Aug. 2021.

In Sep 2024, the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong announced the funding results of the Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector (CRFS) for 2024/25. In total, 3 research proposals submitted by our colleagues under The Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) were funded. The project of Dr. MAN Pui-kwan concerns about Pakistani Entrepreneurship in Hong Kong. The project of Dr. XIE Jieyi aims to explore the Chinese making of Maritime Silk Road Heritage. After working on Time-honoured Business (laozihao, 老字號) in Guangzhou, Dr. GAO Chong moves on to investigate laozihao in Hong Kong through the lens of community economy.

Dr. Man, Pui Kwan (Mikayla) has published an article: “Gambling disorder gender analysis: Social strain, gender norms, and self-control as risk factors” in the international peer-reviewed journal: Frontiers in Sociology (ESCI journal, SJR: Q1 journal, Impact factor: 2.0; CiteScore: 3.4).

The Digital Imaging Laboratory (DIL) has now been launched! The DIL features state-of-the-art equipment for collecting 3D data, as well as data post-processing software and computers to meet the hands-on training needs of students. It is located on the 6th floor of the Library Complex and includes 3D scanners, digital and action cameras, high-end computers and applications, 3D printers, and VR devices.

Dr. Veronica Mak attended the 8th Conference of East Asia Research Association for Agricultural Heritage Systems (ERAHS) held in Gifu (Japan) from August 7-9, presenting a paper titled, "Digital Technology, New Peasants and the Future of GIAHS Cultural Conservation in China and Japan." The panel was chaired by Prof. HE Siyuan from Chinese Academy of Sciences, with other renowned scholars and officer, including Dr. KIM Won Kyeong from Pusan National University, Prof. Toyoda from Niigata University, Prof. Tang Shangshu from HuaZhong Agricultural University and Mr. LEE Seyeop from the Korean government.

Dr. Man, Pui Kwan (Mikayla) has published an article: “Composite conditioning risk, gambling disorder, and gender: A cross-sectional survey among Chinese married couples” (co-author: Prof. Nicole W.T. Cheung) in the international peer-reviewed journal: Journal of Criminology (SSCI journal, SJR: Q1 journal, 5-year impact factor: 2.5).

Dr. Man, Pui Kwan (Mikayla) has published an article: “Income inequality between local-born Chinese and mainland migrant adults in Hong Kong: a comparison of baby boom and millennial generations” (co-author: Prof. Eric Fong) in the peer-reviewed journal Chinese Sociological Review (Q1 journal, 2022 impact factor: 4.0, Publisher: Taylor & Francis).

Dr. GAO Chong invited Ms. Tina Chan, Group Head of Philanthropy for John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited (JSSHK 香港太古集團) to give a guest lecture on April 17, 2024. The title of this lecture is “Corporate Culture and Community Involvement Activities of John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd ”.

「青年人自我認同型態及其社會心理因素:香港的一個蹤貫性研究」(UGC/IDS(C)15/H01/19) 的研究團隊於4月8日舉辦記者招待會,發佈研究結果。張越華教授亦在4月11日於香港電台千禧年代節目中發表研究成果,歡迎通過內文中的連結收聽內容。

Dr. Gigi Lam and Oscar Wong recently published a refereed journal article entitled "Esports development ecosystem in Hong Kong: an application of a systems thinking literacy approach" in journal Leisure Studies (Q1 journal, impact factor: 2.8, h-index: 74). This is one of academic deliverables of IDS(CRG) project on esports (Project No. UGC/IDS(C)15/M01/20).

The Department held the New Year Party on 19 January 2024 at the Research Complex. The alumni shared working experiences with the current students. Teachers also shared their stories with the students. Students, alumni, and staff mingled with each other and celebrated the new year together with games, food and music. The party ended with a lucky draw where most participants had great fun.

非遺市集回憶篇: Veronica 非常多謝SOC308 "文化、遺產和社會"的同學運用超凡的創意,盡心盡力,統籌及製作12個既好玩又具教育性的非遺攤位,更多謝當日張少強副校和張越華教授作開幕及頒獎嘉賓,及潔怡和勝丹老師到場支持。

Dr. Mikayla Man and co-authors have published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, analyzing the social media narrative of sexual deviance in Hong Kong. Their research focuses on Facebook discussions about celebrity infidelity, showcasing how these platforms perpetuate monogamy and stigmatize alternative sexual behaviors, contributing to cyber violence against women. The paper calls for improved social media policies to allow healthier discourse on taboo sexual subjects.

社會工作和社會學有什麼關係?為什麼有經驗的社工需要到香港樹仁大學社會學系攻讀博士學位? 我們來看看李景輝的故事。

Dr. GAO Chong was invited to give a public lecture via Tencent video conferencing to students in School of Ethnology and Sociology at South-Central Minzu University (SCMU, Wuhan City, China) on December 13, 2023. In this lecture, Dr. GAO introduced how to use the case study of Time-honoured Business (laozihao, 老字号) in Guangzhou to deepen our understanding of Corporate Community Involvement (CCI) activities and to propose a new type of state-led and market driven CCI.


Dr. Gigi Lam attended the Asia-Singapore Conference on Sport Science on 5-6 December 2023. She completed a conference presentation entitled "Cross-country comparison in Asia: Lessons and Implications for esports sustainability in Hong Kong". By making a comparison with the esports development in China, Korea and Japan, it exerts far-reaching implications upon esports industry in Hong Kong.


Hong Kong Sociological Association 24th annual conference was held at Chinese University of Hong Kong on 2 Dec 2023. Dr. Tsang Chung Kin, Dr. Mikayla Man, Dr. Flora Lau, Dr. Veronica Mak and Dr. Gigi Lam formed a panel entitled "Population, Wellbeing and Sustainability" for sharing their research outputs and discussing with the other scholars during the panel session.

Our 2021 sociology undergraduate alumni Jason Li has revised his final year project and published an article entitled “The influence of social class on internship participation and outcomes in higher education: the case of Hong Kong” in Asia Pacific Journal of Education (SSCI, 2022 Impact factor: 1.7) with Dr. Flora Lau. Using Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of habitus and capitals, this article discusses the relationship between university internship, class origin and social reproduction.

An international conference titled “Re-discovering Youths Today: Identity, Subculture, Psychosocial Functioning, and Service Needs” was successfully held on November 4, 2023, by the Social Research Centre, HKSYU. The conference was delivered in a mixed-mode format and attended by approximately 100 speakers and participants from both on-site and online, including academics, researchers, NGO social workers/counsellors, secondary and post-secondary teachers, professionals, and postgraduate students.


Dr. Veronica Mak has recently published a paper on scientists, agricultural heritage and ecological sustainability in Japan, in "International Journal of Heritage Studies".

With the theme of "Rebranding Black" and the aim to discover silenced histories in Hong Kong, almost 100 Year three sociology students and Dr. Veronica Mak played games and tasted ginger milk tea in Chung King Mansion, played djebe (African drum) and had home-made African food in the African Centre. Big thanks to the African Centre as we have had so much fun!


The Department of Sociology hosted a donation ceremony on October 5, 2023, to support the SOC Society. The event aimed to provide the SOC Society with extra resources, allowing them to organize a wider range of engaging student events in the future.

Successful information sessions, held on 3rd and 5th October 2023 in collaboration with the International Unit and Industrial Attachment Office, covered topics including student exchange programme, internship opportunities and concentration selection, providing students with valuable insights and resources for their academic and personal development.

Veronica was invited to give a talk in the "Urban food, sufficiency, and sustainable agriculture in China" Workshop on August 26th, 2023. This workshop is part of the ERC project «A Middle Way? Probing Sufficiency through Meat and Milk in China» (MidWay), organized by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU), Sino-German Agricultural Center (DCZ), and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS).

Dr. Liu Shuo attended the annual conference of the Chinese Sociological Association at Nankai University in Tianjin. A new research paper was presented on how middle-class parents seek alternative educational opportunities through international or private schools.

The Department of Sociology held a retreat on July 18, 2023, which facilitated fruitful discussions among department staff and students. The event was enriched by the active participation of two student representatives, who provided valuable insights and perspectives. The retreat enhanced the cohesion and vitality of the department, promoting the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

On 10th August 2023, Dr. Flora Lau completed a conference presentation organized by Oxford Nuffield College and UNICEF on researching hidden population. The theme of the conference is “Hard to reach: applied research methods with hidden, marginal and excluded populations”. She shared her research experiences with asylum seekers and ethnic minority cancer patients in Hong Kong since 2016 and confessed the fundamental importance of accessing the target group and collecting information on one hand, and being and feeling engaged in the community on the other especially for ethnographers in order to avoid being manipulative. Researchers doing hidden population must be reminded of all ethical issues concerned.

Veronica Mak presented a paper, titled “Remembering Mr. Mushroom”: Documenting Charismatic Leadership in the Preservation of Agricultural Heritage in China Using the Actor-Network Theory” in the 2023 AAS-in-Asia Conference, organized by the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and the Institute of Humanities Studies at Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea, 24- 27 June, 2023.

Chief Secretary for Administration of the HKSAR, Mr. Chan Kwok-ki, is an alumnus of the Sociology Department. He visited HKSYU in January and shared his experience of studying sociology, as well as his days in our department and HKSYU, with fellow students. Please refer to the inner page for the sharing video of his visit.

Dr. GAO Chong organized a conference panel entitled “Sociology of Enterprises: Chinese Modernization and Development of Enterprise” at the Annual Meeting of Chinese Sociological Association (CSA) held from July 8 to July 9, 2023 at Nankai University, Tianjin city (in collaboration with Prof. Liu Zhijun in Sociology Department at Zhejiang University, China).

Miss Choi Tsz Ching Judy, our graduate, recently completed a work placement at YWCA. She summarized her experience in a short video, highlighting the enjoyable experience of working with colleagues and the elderly. During her internship, she was able to learn many valuable practical skills. Visit the inner page to watch the video!

The XX ISA World Congress of Sociology was held in Melbourne, Australia between 25th June and 1st July 2023. Three members of our Department, Dr. Flora Lau, Dr. Li Hang and Dr. Gigi Lam, had successfully presented their papers and received positive comments from the audience.

Dr. Veronica Mak, Sau-wa has recently presented a paper, titled “From Farmers to Environmentalists – A Study of Transnational Actor-Networks in GIAHS and Identity Change.” in the 2023 East Asian GIAHS Conference, organized by the East Asia Researh Association for Agricultural Heritage Systems (ERAHS), Qingyuan, Zhejinag, China, 6-8 June.

Dr. Man, Pui Kwan (Mikayla) has recently published an article: “A gendered analysis of family, work, social spheres and life satisfaction: The case of highly educated migrants in Hong Kong” (co-authors: Dr. Rebecca Gan and Prof. Eric Fong) in the peer-reviewed journal Asian and Pacific Migration Journal (5-year impact factor: 1.495).

The Department of Sociology is pleased to invite Prof. Bernardo E. Brown (International Christian University) as the speaker and Dr. Bubbles Asor (University of the Philippines) as the discussant on “Less Virtuous than it Seems” for the public talk. It will be in hybrid mode, and held on 19 May 2023 (14:00-15:30) at RHB102, Research Complex. We are looking forward to seeing you on-site or online.

麥秀華博士邀請X Social Group主席林漢源及總經理何佩玲探討「元宇宙與公益行動」。這講座將於5月4日 (星期四) 下午3時至4時在研究院綜合大樓 (高座) RHB202同時實體進行及網上直播。

CHAN Tsz Hin, a sociologist student, with two groupmates got a Bronze Medal in 2022 International Cultural & Product Innovation Design Contest, which was themed on 'Revitalizing the World Heritage with Design'. The instructor of their group, Dr. NG Ni Na Camellia, is also awarded the Excellent Guidance Award.

Dr. Hang LI and Dr. Ruth ZHOU (Department of Counselling and Psychology) were invited to present their research findings at the 86th Drug Liaison Committee Meeting (Narcotics Division) on 9 March 2023, with over 40 representatives from the treatment and rehabilitation agencies, and drug education agencies in Hong Kong.
Project Title: Post-treatment Life Planning and Relapse Prevention: An Effectiveness Study of an Integrative Model of Vocational Life Design for Young Rehabilitated Drug Abusers (Co-PI: Dr. Ruth ZHOU, Prof. Yuet-wah CHEUNG; Co-I: Dr. Hang LI)

社會學系麥秀華副教授將在3月25日出席第一屆Art Tech創新活動. 屆時將討論Art Tech在大灣區的發展機遇. 詳情請留意內頁海報.

Dr. Man, Pui-Kwan (Mikayla) has recently published an article: “Income Differences of Chinese Sub-ethnic Groups in Canada” (co-author: Prof. Eric Fong) in the peer-review journal Population Research and Policy Review (5-year impact factor: 2.329).

Our alumnus CHEUNG Siu Fung has recently turned his final year project about Kwai Chung Plaza into a refereed journal article under Dr. TSANG Chung-kin's supervision - "The symbolic meanings and practice of shopping malls in Hong Kong beyond consumption: a case study of Kwai Chung Plaza". It examines the symbolic meanings of the local shopping malls inscribed by the shoppers from the sociocultural lens. It is published in Social Transformations in Chinese Societies (2023).

Dr. Flora Lau was invited to deliver a talk entitled "Breast and Cervical Cancer: Places to seek help in Hong Kong" by Cancer Awareness for Migrant Domestic Workers on 26th February at Bayanihan Kennedy Town Centre. Based on her RGC-funded research on how ethnic minority patients, including Filippinos cope with cancer in Hong Kong, she shared her findings on their worries and challenges about cancer as well as some solutions along with resources for anyone diagnosed with cancer. The talk was reported by HONG KONG NEWS on 28th February: https://fb.watch/i_BtSFIKa6/

社會系黃維珊副教授為全球定性社會學(Global Qualitative Sociology)研究團隊一員,團隊為Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)資助爲期3年研究。在2022年與2023年曾分別到德國哥廷根與加納阿克拉參與研討會和發表關於上海城市士紳化過程與佛教寺院發展的研究。

Dr. MAK, Sau Wa, Veronica, the Associate Professor and the Associate Programme Director of the ACT Programme has recently delivered a talk in the Education Forum in the Education and Career Expo (Feb. 2-5, 2023). In this talk, Veronica pointed out why and how the knowledge of arts, culture and technology can enable the students to join the elite talent group well-sought after by the institutions in the Asian and global cultural economy.

Dr. Gigi Lam recently published a journal article "An evaluation of the Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly in Hong Kong" in the journal, Home Health Care Services Quarterly (Scopus cite score: 2.3; h-index: 30).

The Graduate School of HKSYU is going to organise "The Guide to Prepare Your Proposal for Research Programme Application" Writing Workshop for undergraduate and taught master students and research assistants who are interested in applying MPhil/PhD programmes. It will be held on 15 Feb 2023 (Wed) from 15:30 to 17:30 at RHB301. Join now and learn from research professionals!

The Department held the New Year Party cum Alumni's Sharing on 7 January 2023 at the Research Complex. Some fifteen alumni shared their stories and experiences with the current students. Students, alumni, and staff mingled with each other and celebrated the new year together with games and music. The party ended with a lucky draw where most participants had great fun.


香港樹仁大學學術副校長及社會學系教授陳蒨博士日前參與國際創科比賽「Hackaverse Challenge」的啟動儀式,指出教育娛樂有極大潛力,而創造遊戲的人員如果對社會文化有所認識和了解,將可以令當中的文化魅力更能展現。

Dr. GAO Chong has invited Dr. Ka-Kin CHEUK to give a public lecture on October 28, 2022. Dr. CHEUK is an Assistant Professor in Anthropology in the Department of Chinese and History at the City University of Hong Kong the City University of Hong Kong. In this lecture, Dr. Cheuk explores how strategic use of both formal and informal money transactions make the international trade between Indian traders and Chinese suppliers workable.

Dr. Gigi Lam recently published a journal article "An evaluation of community care services for the elderly in Hong Kong" in the journal, Public Administration and Policy (Scopus cite score tracker 2022: 1.7).

Being a founding signatory of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Publishers Compact, Emerald Publishing launched the campaign of "Generations" with the major theme for the "Fairer Society". Dr. Gigi Lam's refereed journal article “The road ahead: should Hong Kong develop five pillars of old age protection? from the journal Asian Education and Development Studies was chosen to be promoted in the campaign. Dr. Gigi Lam was invited to make a video to promote research outputs by contributing to the "Fairer Society" across "Generations" campaign.

A new round of recruitment for the Joint University Docent Training program and Heritage Services in Yimtintsai Village, Saikung volunteers (Sept 2022-Feb 2023) has been started. Students can register for the program by scanning the QR code on the poster attached in the detail page.

Good news! Digital Art Fair is now recruiting part-time student helpers (with pay) from 19th October to 6th November 2022. For students who are interested in art and culture, please grasp this chance!

社會系本學年第二次舊生分享(職業規劃)於八月六日星期六在RHB101舉行。分享校友包括去年聖誕聚會嘉賓梁殷欣(Gloria) 校友,及徐勝程校友(Panda) 。他們職涯路上的寶貴經驗,真摯動人,使同學獲益良多。系主任張越華教授及老師劉珮欣博士代表學系向兩位有心校友致謝。

Dr. Gigi Lam recently published a journal article "Mental health services in Hong Kong: development of community-based inclusive development practice faced with the cultural barriers" in the journal, Mental Health Review Journal. (co-author: Dr. Eva Yin-Han Chung; Scopus cite score tracker 2022: 1.1; H-index: 20)

Professor YW Cheung and the research team of their IDS-CRS project "Youth Identity Status and its Psychological Correlates: A Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong" are organizing an online seminar to present their findings based on their Wave 1 data. The seminar is entitled "Youth in Turbulent Times: Constructing and Strengthening Youth Identity in Hong Kong ," to be held on Aug. 13, 9am - 1pm. All are welcome.

Dr. Tsang, Chung-kin has invited Yang Jing, a game producer, curator and researcher based in Hong Kong to talk about the joy of game playing, the inside stories of indie game industry, and the process of game development. It is going to be held on 2 August 2022 at 14:30 through Zoom.

Dr. Flora Lau has recently published a book review for Leisure and forced migration: lives lived in asylum systems, edited by Nicola de Martini Ugolotti and Jayne Caudwell, London, Routledge, 2022, 222 pp. in Leisure Studies, 41(4): 603-604.

林之博士邀請香港職業電競隊伍Frank Esports(FAK)主教練黃俊謙和選手曾德霖分享在港成為電競選手所遇到的機會和挑戰。本次研討會將在7月19日下午2:30透過zoom舉行。

The experiential day was successfully held on 27 June 2022. A number of DSE and ADHD students joined the experiential day. Dr. Gigi Lam gave a brief introduction about sociology and had an interactive chat with a sociology student about the learning experience at HKSYU. If you are interested in the experiential day and would like to know more about it, you are strongly welcome to watch the video on the following page.

Dr. Veronica Mak recently published a journal article "'The Stinkier the Better!'—A Case Study on the Reinvention of River Snail Noodles and the Transformation of Taste in China" in a peer-reviewed journal - Global Food History.

On June 16, our Department held a simple acknowledgement ceremony so as to thank for the contribution of the Africa Centre Hong Kong, which has been organizing professional, informative and fun field trips for the sociology students.

Dr. Veronica Mak has invited Prof. Kwan Hoi Shan, to share the health benefits of mushrooms in relation to gut microbiome. It will be held on Zoom at 3:00pm (HKT) on 16 June, 2022.

Dr. Veronica Mak has invited Prof. Chiu Siu-Wai, a renowned mycologist, to share her experience and insights on how mushrooms can save our society. It will be held on Zoom at 3:00pm (HKT) on 26 May, 2022.

Students joining the summer 2021 internship have participated in an internship video award competition. They were expected to create a short video to reflect on their internship life and to share with us what they have benefited from the internship. The two winners are two Year 3 students Tam Wai and Law Ka Man.

Prof. Selina Chan have completed a virtual museum (phase 1) - “Virtual Museum of National Intangible Cultural Heritage: Adaptation of Buddhist Sam Kok Pier Hungry Ghosts Festival under COVID-19 Pandemic” (國家級非物質文化遺產虛擬博物館:疫情下佛教三角碼頭盂蘭勝會的變奏). The virtual museum was selected as a showcase of the STEM Research InnoTechn Expo 2022, organized by Our Hong Kong Foundation in late June to early July.

Dr. Veronica Mak and our student Amber Poon is going to present "Political Consumerism, Youth Culture, and Social Media: A Case Study of ‘Yellow’ Food Influencers in Hong Kong" in IIAS CONFERENCE 2022 on April 24 (HK time 19:30-22:00).

Dr. Tsang, Chung-kin participated a special programme, "Buttered Pineapple Bun and Mirror" Rediscovering Hong Kong Pop Culture. The programme is for "Hong Kong Pop 60+" Exhibition of Hong Kong Heritage Museum. The recording is available on Youtube now.

Dr. Flora Lau was invited to participate in an informal sharing in “Careers in Academia”, organised by St Cross College, University of Oxford on 2nd March 2022 (17:00 GMT).

Dr. GAO Chong recently published a journal article “Navigating the landscape of Guangzhou’s time-honoured business: From the 19th-century flowscape to the Belt and Road Initiative”, in Asian Journal of Social Science, Volume 49, Issue 4, pp.198-206. (Co-author: Khun Eng Kuah, SSCI indexed, published by the Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore and Elsevier)

Dr. Gigi Lam recently published a journal article "Shortage of nurses in Hong Kong: the challenges ahead" in the journal, Asian Education and Development Studies.

Our department is going to co-organize a forum with Department of Chinese Language and Literature and Department of History on 22 Janurary 2022 from 10:30-17:30 through Zoom. The forum will be about the literature and culture of Hong Kong. Dr. Flora Lau and Dr Tsang Chung-kin are going to present issues related to tourism and cityscape.

The Christmas and New Year gathering which was co-organised by our department and Sociology Student Association - Skylark was successfully held on 30th December. Here are some of the highlights of the day. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2022!

Dr. Tsang Chung-kin is going to have a talk with Dr. Ng Chun-hung and Dr. Charles Cheung about Hong Kong popular culture. The title is '“Buttered Pineapple Bun and Mirror” Rediscovering Hong Kong Pop Culture', and it will be held on 8 January 2022 at 3 pm in Hong Kong Heritage Museum.

Our department and Sociology Student Association - Skylark will co-organise a Christmas and New Year gathering on 30th December from 10am-2pm at RHB108. Please register! By the way, please arrive before 10:30am on that day for the lucky draw!

Dr. GAO Chong recently published a journal article “Re-imagining Corporate Community Involvement during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Pharmaceutical Companies in Guangdong Province, China” in Human Organization, Vol. 80, Issue 4, pp.302–310. (Co-author: Ho Hon Leung, SSCI indexed, Journal of Society for Applied Anthropology, USA, December 2021).

Dr Tsang, Chung-kin is going to have a book launch seminar for his monograph, "Homeownership in Hong Kong: House Buying as Hope Mechanism", published by Routledge. In the seminar, he will talk about hope and social development throughout the history of Hong Kong. It will be held on 15 Dec 2021 (Wed) from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. The venue is Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library. All are welcome.

Dr. Gigi Lam wrote an article about an analysis of vaccine hesitancy of the elders in Hong Kong with a 4As approach. This article was posted in Shue Yan Column of Wenweipo for promoting our department to secondary school students and AD/HD students.

Info Day 2021 was hold on Nov 5-6. Prof. Cheung Yuet-Wah introduced the strength of our Sociology program, including its concentrations, "Entrepreneurship and Community" and "Culture, Heritage and Innovation", which enhances students' employability in the workplace. Dr. Gigi Lam also had an interactive chat with student, and introduced the connection between sociology and community.

Dr. Veronica Mak recently published a journal article “Technologies and Dietary Change: The Pharmaceutical Nexus and the Marketing of Anti-aging Functional Food in a Chinese Society” in Food and Foodways.

Dr. Flora Lau recently published a journal article “Empowerment in the Asylum-seeker Regime? The Roles of Policies, the Non-profit Sector and Refugee Community Organizations in Hong Kong” in Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(1): 305-327.

Dr Tsang Chung-kin is going to have a webinar, "Cultural Entrepreneurship and Art Space in Hong Kong" on 26 July 2021 at 2:30 pm. Dr Tsang invites Foreforehead's shopkeeper Daisy Chu to chat about the experience of starting an art shop in Hong Kong. The webinar will be conducted in Cantonese.

Dr Gigi Lam is going to have a webinar, "Korean Wave and Korean Culture" on 16 July 2021 at 2:00 pm. Dr Lam invites Ms. Novem Chick from the Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong to introduce how the center facilitates the promotion of Korean culture through a variety of cultural activities.


Dr Tsang, Chung-kin recently published a book "Homeownership in Hong Kong: House Buying as Hope mechanism", which studies the cultural framework of the connections between homeownership and social stability in Hong Kong.

Dr. Veronica Mak recently published a book “Milk Craze: Body, Science, and Hope in China”, which examines and compares developments in the dairy industry and dairy consumption in diet, cross-nationally and globally, in China, and more specifically in two localities, Shunde and Hong Kong.


Dr. Li Hang and Prof. Cheung Yuet-wah recently co-published a journal article “Beyond Ketamine: Narratives of Risk among Young Psychoactive Drug Users in Hong Kong” in the Journal of Substance Use.

HKSYU Info Day 2020 was successfully held on November 14 2020. Dr Li Hang gave an admission talk that introduces what Sociology is about. He also introduced the strength of our Sociology program, which emphasizes practicality, and connects academic training, research skills and practical experience together.

The Contemporary China Research Center (Department of Sociology) co-organized an International Conference on “Heritage Conservation Along the Belt and Road Zones: Between Politics and Professionalism” with the Department of Social Science, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong on 23-24 October 2020.

Department of Sociology welcomed a new cohort of undergraduate students and hosted a face-to-face orientation, with COVID-19 precautionary measures, on September 1.

Dr. Hui Yew-Foong recently co-published a book "Heritage as Aid and Diplomacy in Asia," which explores how heritage is used as aid and diplomacy by various agencies to produce knowledge, power, values and geopolitics in the global heritage regime.

Dr. Gigi LAM recently published a journal article entitled "Problems encountered by elders in residential care services in Hong Kong" in the journal Asian Education and Development Studies to analyze the current conundrum encountered by elders in residential care services and make recommendations.

Lau Chun Wo, a summer student intern at the Amity Foundation, has published a newsletter sharing his touching internship experience, bringing us the messages of "cherish what we have" and "it is more blessed to give than to receive".

Dr. Veronica Mak, Sau-wa has contributed to the journal of Asian Anthropology with the article, “The heritagization of milk tea: cultural governance and placemaking in Hong Kong”.

Shue Yan now accepts online applications from DSE candidates, Sub-Degree students (final year/ graduates) and Gaokao (NJEE) students.

Research grants of almost $6M were received by the Department of Sociology when grant application results were announced in September 2019.

Professor Cheung Yuet-wah, Head of Department, is co-author of the article entitled “School characteristics, strain, and adolescent delinquency: A test of macro-level strain theory.” in Asian Journal of Criminology 2019.

Veronica Mak, Sau-wa’s recent publication is a review on a new book - The Other Milk: Reinventing Soy in Republican China, written by Jia-Chen Fu. This book review appeared in the latest issue of China Review International.

HKSYU Undergraduate Year 2/3 Entry & Postgraduate Admissions One-Stop Info Day 2020/21 [Cancelled]

The President's List Ceremony in recognition of students' distinguished academic performance in 2018-19 was held on 11 October 2019.

Professor Cheung Yuet-wah, Head of Department, delivered a keynote speech entitled “Harm reduction and drug policy in Hong Kong” at the 1st Asia Regional Meeting of the International Society

Professor Selina Ching Chan, Dr. Hui Yew-Foong and Dr. LI Hang presented in the SOCIETY FOR HONG KONG STUDIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2019

Professor Cheung Yuet-wah, Head of Department, is senior author of an article entitled "Adolescent Drug Abuse in Hong Kong: Prevalence, Psychosocial Correlates, and Prevention" and just published by Journal of Adolescent Health 64 (2019):S28-S33. (IF=4.09)

Professor Cheung Yuet-wah, Head of the Department, has presented a seminar entitled “Drug Addiction and Abuse in Hong Kong: Past and Present” (joint presentation with Professor Karen Joe-Laidler of Dept. of Sociology, HKU), organized by Medical History Interest Group.

Professor Selina Chan, Chair of Department's Graduate Programmes Committee and Director of University Research, and Professor YW Cheung, Head of Department, visited Shenzhen University on April 12, 2019

Professor Cheung Yuet-wah, Head of Department, is Co-PI of a project entitled "Posttreatment Life Planning and Relapse Prevention: An Effectiveness Study of an Integrative Model of Vocational Life Design for Young Rehabilitated Drug Abusers".

Professor Cheung Yuet-wah was appointed Chairman of Treatment and Rehabilitation Subcommittee of ACAN (Action Committee Against Narcotics) for two years, commencing January 2019.

An event to celebrate the academic and social contributions of Professor Cheung Yuet-wah was organized by the Dept. of Sociology, CUHK, on Aug. 17, 2018.

Professor Cheung Yuet-wah, Head of Department, found two old pictures showing that he was teaching a course at Shue Yan back in 1983-84.