《瞧潮香港流行文化:菠蘿油與鏡》“Buttered Pineapple Bun and Mirror” Rediscovering Hong Kong Pop Culture

Date:  8 January 2022 (Sat)
Time:  3 pm
Venue: 1/F Theatre, Hong Kong Heritage Museum

Live-streaming on Hong Kong Heritage Museum YouTube Channel

【Is Hong Kong Pop Culture Buttered Pineapple Bun or Mirror?】
Everyday life of Hong Kong people are often repeatedly portray in various media formats such as television, movies, music etc. sculpting the memories of each generations and becoming pop culture. With the introduction of the  “buttered pineapple bun and Mirror” metaphor, three experts on local popular culture, namely Dr. Ng Chun-hung, Dr. Cheung, Chi Wai and Dr. Tsang Chung-kin will share the pop culture stories back in their generations and explore the uniqueness and transformation of Hong Kong Pop Culture. Let’s come together!

Event details: https://bit.ly/3188ij5