Dr. XIE, Jieyi 謝潔怡
Assistant Professor
Office: Room LC843, Library Complex, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 12 Wai Tsui Crescent, North Point, Hong Kong
Phone: 2104-8244
Email: jxie@hksyu.edu
Academic and Professional Qualification
D.Phil. The Australian National University, Australia
M.A. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
M.A. Zhejiang University, China
B.A. China University of Mining and Technology
Specialism and Research Interests
Dr. Xie Jieyi works in the area of critical heritage studies. Key to Jieyi’s interests is the cultural and political process of heritage making and the social implications brought about by the heritage making. More particularly, her research interests include the politics of World Heritage nomination and post-nomination heritage management, World Heritage in and as soft power, knowledge production and heritage making of the Silk Roads and Maritime Silk Roads at local, national, and international level.
Critical Heritage Studies
Critical Discourse Analysis
Silk Roads Research
SOC 204 Cultures in the Contemporary World
SOC 409 Collective Memory and Social Change
SOC 414 Heritage Studies: Critical and Innovative Dimensions
SOC 333 Urban Sociology
SOC 371 Chinese Culture and Society
Selected Publications
Xie, J. (2023). The Construction of the Silk Roads as World Heritage in China. In Chan, V.C.M., Hui, Y.F., Hui, D.C.K. & Vafadari, K. (Eds.), Heritage conservation and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (pp. 31-44). Routledge.
Zhou, H. & Xie, J. (2024). Revisiting Heritage in the Ocean: Common Heritage of [Hu]mankind, Maritime Heritage and Beyond?. International Journal of Heritage Studies (in press). https://doi.org/10.1080/13527258.2024.2315242.
Rao, Y. & Xie, J. (2023). Digital distinction: class as mediated dispositions in China’s Animal Crossing fever, Chinese Journal of Communication, DOI: 10.1080/17544750.2023.2248524
Research Projects
Principle Investigator
Chinese Heritage Research Grant, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, “The Heritage as Method: World Cultural Heritage Making of the Maritime Silk Roads in China” (2023-2024)
As One of the Principal Investigators
Chaozhou Cultural Heritage Research Program.