Dr. NG, Ni Na Camellia 吳妮娜

Assistant Professor


Office: Room LC846, Library Complex, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 12 Wai Tsui Crescent, North Point, Hong Kong
Phone: 2104-8255
Email: nnng@hksyu.edu

Academic and Professional Qualification

Ph.D.         History of Chinese Art, Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 2017
M.A.          Art Museum and Gallery Studies, University of Leicester, January 2012
M.Phil.      Visual Studies, Lingnan University, October 2010
B.A.           Visual Studies, Lingnan University, October 2008

Specialism and Research Interests

Chinese Art History
Collecting and Collection
Cross-culture Studies
Museum Studies

SOC257       Art and Society
GEB109       Understanding East Asian Popular Culture
HIST268      Art History of China

Selected Publications

  1. 吳妮娜:《兩鄉明月:晚清旅日上海書畫家的生活與藝術》,杭州:浙江大學出版社(即將出版)
  2. 吳妮娜:「近代歐洲現代性的形成:以羅伯特.羅賓遜及其英式山水畫為例」,《美術大觀》,2022年9月。(CSSCI)
  3. 吳妮娜:「筆戰天下:王韜與近代中國世變」,《讀書》,2022年3月。 ( Ng Ni Na Camellia: "Wang Tao and the Changes in Modern China”, Du Shu, Mar 2022.) (CSSCI)
  4. Ng Ni Na Camellia: "Vegetation and Universe: The Collection of Flower and Bird Paintings”, Museum Worlds, New York and Oxford: Berghahn Journals, 09 (2021).
  5. Ng Ni Na Camellia: "The Overseas Circulation of Modern Chinese Cultural Relics-Centering on the Chinese painting and calligraphy works donated by Takashima Kiujiro and Lin Zonyi to the Tokyo National Museum”, Shu yu Hua, 08 (2021), Shanghai: Shanghai Shuhua Chubanshe.
  6. Ng Ni Na Camellia. "Investigation of Shanghai Travel-Japanese Calligrapher and Artist in the Late Qing Dynasty and Modern China", Art Exploration, (04) 2020, Nanning: Guangxi Yishu Xueyuan) (CSSCI)
  7. Ng Ni Na Camellia (first author), co-author with Cai Xiyuan."A Survey of Children's Museum Education with the Hong Kong Children's Museum Exploration. Yang Jin, editor-in-chief: Interaction, Fusion and Flow: Museum in a Global Contemporary Context. Beijing: China Science Press, 2020.
  8. Ng Ni Na Camellia: "Exploring of China Modern Urban Chinese Painting", China Culture Journal, 04 (2020).
  9. Ng Ni Na Camellia: "Inheritance and Transformation of Contemporary Chinese Painting." China Culture Journal, 04 (2019).
  10. Ng Ni Na Camellia: Discuss on Okakura Tianxin's Toyo Ideal and the Rise of New Japanese Painting, Wang Tieqiao and Zheng Xianxin: Collection of Essays on Japanology, Vol.2, Henan: Henan University Press, 2018.

Research Projects

2020. 10-2023.     Guangdong Planning office of Philosophy and Social Science (GD20CYS04)

2020. 01-2021.     Publication Funding for Discipline Construction Funding, Sun Yat-Sen University

2019. 01-2021.     Basic Expenses for Young Teacher Training Projects 2019, Sun Yat-Sen University

2018. 01-2019.     Science Visiting Scholarships, The Field Museum of Natural History

2015. 09-2016.     CUHK Golden Jubilee Imperial Museum Scholarship (PG), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2014. 09-2015.     Friends of Art Museum Research Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Working Experience

2020-2021     Lecturer (Part-time)     Hong Kong Art School, Hong Kong

2020-2021     Lecturer (Part-time)     Department of Art, Design, Culture and Art Management, HKU SPACE, Hong Kong

2018-2021     Postdoctoral Researcher (Full-time)     Department of History, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou

2012-2017     Teaching Assistant (Part-time)     Department of Fine Art, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

2015-2017     Teaching Assistant (Part-time)     Department of Cultural Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong