Professor CHAN, Ching Selina 陳 蒨 教授
Academic Vice President
Professor, Sociology Department
Associate Director, Contemporary China Research Center
Office: Room 205, Research Complex High Block, Hong Kong Shue Yan University,
6 Wai Tsui Crescent, North Point, Hong Kong
Phone: 2806-5142
Academic and Professional Qualification
D.Phil. Oxford University, United Kingdom
M.Phil. Oxford University, United Kingdom
B.Soc.Sci. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Specialism and Research Interests
Cultural Heritage and Collective Memories
Food and Identities
Religion and intangible cultural heritage
Kinship, lineage and colonialism
Supervision of postgraduate students
Selected Publications
Selina Ching Chan 2019. “Tea cafes and Hong Kong Identity: Food Culture and Hybridity.“ China Information. 33(3):311-328.
Selina Ching Chan and Graeme Lang 2015. Building Temples in China: Memories, Tourism and Identities. London: Routledge.
Selina Ching Chan 陳蒨 2015. Chaozhou Hungry Ghosts Festival: Collective Memories, Intangible Cultural Heritage and Identities. ( 潮籍盂蘭勝會:非物質文化遺產、集體回憶與身份認同) Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co (HK) Ltd. (中華書局)In Chinese (中文著作)
Selina Ching Chan 2011. “Cultural Governance and Place-making in Taiwan and China.” The China Quarterly 206 (Jun): 372-390.
Full publications, please see
Prof. Selina Ching Chan – CCRC
Research Projects
2024-2026. Metaversing Intangible Cultural Heritage: Documenting, Transmitting and Promoting the Cheung Chau Jiao Festival in Hong Kong, funded by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Office, HKSAR government, HK$956,000.
2020-2023. Celebrations of Chaozhou Hungry Ghosts Festival at three Sites: Research and Promotion, funded by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Office, HKSAR government, HK$1,004,400.
2018-2020. Festivals in Hong Kong: Past and Present, funded by the Hong Kong History Museum, HKSAR government, HK$649,478
Intangible Cultural Heritage: Stone-carving in Hebei, China
Community Service
2023 onwards. Member, Antiquities and Advisory Board.
2021 onwards. Member, Subcommittee, Intangible Cultural Heritage Items under the Intangible Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee.
2019 onwards. Member, Editorial Board, Hong Kong Chronicles.
2016 onwards. Member, Expert Advisory Panel for “Renovation of the Permanent Exhibition” in the Hong Kong History Museum.
2015 onwards. Council member, the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.
Selected Creative Works
2022. Hungry Ghosts Festival (Yulan) Celebrations by the Chaozhou (Chiuchow)
Community in Hong Kong: Collective Memories and Communal Spirits
Virtual Tour (can be accessed via Oculus/PC)
2022. Hungry Ghosts Festival (Yulan) Mixed Reality Tour
A short video of the Hungry Ghosts Festival (Yulan) Mixed Reality Tour:
Virtual Museum (can be accessed via Oculus/PC)
2023. Hong Kong Memory: Hungry Ghosts Festival (Yulan) Virtual Museum
Spatial - Create Immersive UGC, Virtual Classrooms, Experiential Marketing
A short video of the Hong Kong Memory: Hungry Ghosts Festival (Yulan) Virtual Museum:
For more, please see
Contemporary China Research Center - Recent Research Projects