Professor CHEUNG, Yuet-Wah 張越華 系主任及卓越教授

Head of Department and Distinguished Professor


Office: Room LC904, Library Complex, Hong Kong Shue Yan University,
6 Wai Tsui Crescent, North Point, Hong Kong
Phone: 2804-8412

Academic and Professional Qualification

Ph.D.  University of Toronto, Canada
M.A. McMaster University, Canada
B.Soc.Sci.  The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Specialism and Research Interests

Medical sociology
Crime and Deviance
Drug Policy
Social Problem

Honours Received from Government of the Hong Kong SAR

2008 Medal of Honour (M.H.)
2013  Justice of the Peace (J.P.)


SOC 221 Social Research Methods
SOC 231 Social Problems
SOC 334 Sociology of Deviance

Selected Publications

Li, Hang, De-Hui Ruth Zhou, Yuet-wah Cheung, and Wing-sheung Choi (2024). “Effectiveness of an integrative model of vocational life design for young rehabilitated drug abusers”. Journal of Substance Use.

Li, Hang and Yuet-wah Cheung (2021). “Beyond ketamine: Narratives of risk among young psychoactive drug users in Hong Kong.” Journal of Substance Use.  DOI: 10.1080/14659891.2020.1856207.

Cheung, Yuet-wah and King-fai Lee (2020). “The role of research in drug policy in Hong Kong: Highlighting life satisfaction from two longitudinal studies.” China Journal of Social Work 13(2):172-189.

Chen, Xi and Yuet-wah Cheung (2020). “School characteristics, strain, and adolescent delinquency: A test of macro-level strain theory.” Asian Journal of Criminology 15(1):65-86. (Co-winner of the journal’s 2021 Best Paper Award.)

Cheung, Y.W. and Nicole W.T. Cheung (2019). “Adolescent drug abuse in Hong Kong: Prevalence, psychosocial correlates and prevention.” Journal of Adolescent Health 64:S28-33.

Cheung, Y.W. and Nicole W.T. Cheung (2018). Psychoactive Drug Abuse in Hong Kong: Life Satisfaction and Drug Use. Singapore: Springer.

Cheung, Nicole W.T., Y.W. Cheung and Xi Chen (2016). “Permissive attitude towards drug use, life satisfaction, and continuous drug use among psychoactive drug users in Hong Kong.” East Asian Archives of Psychiatry. 26:60-69.

Cheung Y.W. (2015). “Macro social flaws and intervention’s unfinished business: A personal note on young people’s drug use in Hong Kong.” Substance Use & Misuse 50:1044-1050.

Cheung, Y.W., Susanne Y.P. Choi and Adam K.L. Cheung (2014). “Strain, self-control and spousal violence: A study of husband-to-wife violence in Hong Kong.” Violence and Victims 29 (2): 280-299.

For more publications, see (link to CV)

Research Projects

“Youth Identity Status and its Pychosocial Correlates: A Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong.” (Project Coordinator). Funded by RGC IDS-CRG funding scheme, 2021-24.

“Posttreatment life planning and relapse prevention: An effectiveness study of an integrative model of vocational life design for young rehabilitated drug abusers.” (Co-PI). Funded by Beat Drugs Fund, 2019-21.

Community Service

Former Chairman, Treatment & Rehabilitation Subcommittee of Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN)

Member, Executive Committee, Hong Kong Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (SARDA)

Member, Council on Human Reproductive Technology

Co-opted Member, Selection Committee, S.K. Yee Medical Foundation