Dr. Gigi Lam recently published a journal article entitled "Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme in Hong Kong: needs assessment and an evaluation of outcomes" in the referred journal, Home Health Care Services Quarterly (impact factor: 1.4, Taylor & Francis).
Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme represents a form of demand-side subsidy given to the elders to choose a spectrum of medical services in the private medical sector. The current paper aims at (a) conducting a needs assessment of the scheme with an analytical framework of the Four A 's approach (i.e., availability, awareness, accessibility, and acceptance regarding a social program) and (b) evaluating whether the outcome measures of the scheme (i.e., the use of private healthcare services, the use of primary care and the empowerment of the elders in the choice of services) were achieved. The needs assessment concludes that the utilization rate of the elders, awareness and satisfaction rate are high. The positive sides concluded from the needs assessment, however, failed to turn into the fulfillment of outcome measures due to the structural barriers. Recommendations at short-term, medium-term and long-term are made.
Full article can be accessed via the following link:
Lam, G. (2024). Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme in Hong Kong: needs assessment and an evaluation of outcomes, Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 1–21.